Introducing The Right Side
- The right side is a new podcast that seeks to cut through the sensationalism and bias present in the modern day media.
- In doing this we’ll be presenting the true story of events unfolding.
- This means focusing on stories from all areas of the modern day media. Today it has become too simple to ignore a story because it doesn’t conform to our world view or comes from a source that we dislike.
- Our goal is to cover the right side of the story, the side that might get lost because of a news organization's bias or be overshadowed by sensationalism in the media.
- This also means highlighting when politicians and decision makers make the right decisions.
- On the other hand it means showing the right side of unfortunate decisions that have been taken that may not be seen in day to day media.
- We will provide the information and context for you, the listener, to find yourself on the right side of the week’s news.
Our Coverage
- We are based out of western Canada and initially much of our focus will be on the region and Canada at the federal level.
- BC: To inform the masses about alternate sources of information out of their personal bubble of associates, and to educate on all fronts about the biases in all types of media and why we need to think critically about what we are seeing/watching/listening to.
- Focus for BC will be on the upcoming provincial election in May, and on the economy, including oil pipelines, resources, technology and the urban/rural divide in the economy and politics
- Alberta currently faces a struggling economy plagued both by low energy prices and a climate not fit for investment due to decisions taken by the provincial government.
- Much of our Alberta coverage in the coming months will focus on news that deals directly with the economic climate and specific effort will be taken to highlight news that either brilliantly explains our current predicament or woefully falls short and we will provide the context so that you, the listener, can find yourself on the right side of Alberta’s news.
- Alberta and BC while important do not overshadow the core of decision making in Canada, the federal government in Ottawa.
- It’s not reasonable to expect fair and honest coverage of the current government from media outlets such as the CBC and others given the fact that the CBC will receive increased subsidies from this government and numerous journalists have publicly displayed their pleasure for our current government.
- Just as we’ll do with Alberta and BC, expect us to provide the context and information necessary for you to place yourself on the right side of news coming from Ottawa.
The (Right) News Rundown